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Payment Method

Please Note:You will be transferred to Paypal - our payment provider after this page. To either pay with a PayPal account or just to pay with your credit card. You do not need to have a PayPal account.

Orders are accepted according to our terms and conditions. We care about your privacy and do not pass info on to third parties. If you want to view our privacy policy, please click here.

The delivery price will be shown when you have entered your postcode.

Special Offers: Please call us for regular and large orders.

Please note that currently we can only deliver to the UK mainland.

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Privacy and GDPR

How we use your contact information

Due to the new GDPR Law coming into effect in March 2018, the way web sites gather contact info has changed.

Good Wood Logs records your contact information for one purpose: To respond to your enquiries and for deliverying any goods sold on the web site.

Good Wood Logs does not give this information to any third-party organisation. If you wish to have your information permanently deleted from our database, please email here. We reserve the right to make a small charge for this process.

If you are happy to for us to respond to you via email, simply click the slider to "yes" on the form. If you don’t do this you will not receive emails from us.

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small data file containing a single number (and no personal information) this cookie is never re-used on this web site or by third parties. When you close your browser (Internet Explorer/Firefox/Safari etc), the cookie is destroyed.

We also use Google Analytics on our web sites to count traffic visiting the site and to give us information in how we can improve the visitor experience. This cookie does not know or record any of your personal information, it merely records which pages are visited.This site uses cookies. Cookies are small data tokens that are used to pass information from page to page as you visit a web site.

Contact Info